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SQM Replication Project Update 29-12-05.


Hi Everyone, This update is a theory update. In the update on 08-10-05, I stated, "what exactly is the Motional E-Field". I now know exactly what it is. Here is a small bit of information about the Atom and Electrons in a brief summary.

  • The Atom.
    All macroscopic matter is made out of many tiny particles called atoms.  The study of how these atoms interact is called Chemistry.   
  • Subatomic Particles.
    The three particles that make up atoms are protons, neutrons, and electrons.   Protons and neutrons are heavier than electrons and reside in the "nucleus," which is the centre of the atom. Protons have a positive electrical charge, and neutrons have no electrical charge.  Electrons are extremely lightweight and are negatively charged.  They exist in a cloud that surrounds the atom. The electron cloud has a radius 10,000 times greater than the nucleus. 
  • The Nucleus.
  • The nucleus of an atom is made up of  protons and neutrons in a cluster.  Virtually all the mass of the atom resides in the nucleus.  The nucleus is held together by the tight pull of what is known to chemists and physicists as the "strong force."  This force between the protons and neutrons overcomes the repulsive electrical force that would, according to the rules of electricity, push the protons apart otherwise.
  • Electrons.
    The electron is the lightweight particle that "orbits" outside of the atomic nucleus. Chemical bonding is essentially the interaction of electrons from one atom with the electrons of another atom. The magnitude of the charge on an electron is equal to the charge on a proton.  Electrons surround the atom in pathways called orbitals.  The inner orbital's surrounding the atom are spherical but the outer orbitals are much more complicated. 



Randomly Spinning Electrons Around an Atom.

I originally thought the "Motional E-Field" was "The Motional Electro Magnetic Field" but it is not. Here is what the Motional E-Field is.

At the point of magnetisation saturisation in a magnet all the electron orbitals are changed to a level state at 90 Degrees to the Nucleus and all Electrons should be rotating in the same direction, I guess it would be clockwise to the nucleus of the Atom. The force in the Atom's Nucleus is in a relatively steady state except for the electrons spinning around the Nucleus. This is creating a vortex type of motion in the one direction. It is this Electron Vortex in motion, all in a single direction that is creating the magnetic field. The Nucleus is the magnetic field core. The combination of the Electron Vortex motion and the Nucleus gives you a magnetic field but the positively charged Proton would dominate the magnetic field. All the atoms would look like this all in the same direction:

There are millions if not billions of Atoms in a magnet. Other effects are there but not visible due to the relatively steady state of the atomic nucleus and single vortex motion of the "Electron Field". Now when the Magnets are successfully conditioned the "Electron Field" is moving not just in a vortex motion but the axis of the vortex is also changing. This gives you a magnetic field oscillation but also gives you a "Electron Field" Oscillation. An "Electron Field" Oscillation is the "Motional E-Field" where the negatively charged Electron would dominate. It is the outer complex orbitals of the "Electron Field" that is being collected by the SQM's Collector Coils. If one is to read Prof. Dr. Ing. Konstantin Meyl's book Scalar Waves (first Tesla physics textbook for engineers) this theory makes perfect sense. The book states briefly that the Atom has a force (Neutrinos from the surrounding Space) that are used by the atom to keep the electrons from collapsing in on the Protons and Neutrons. If you like the Atom is feeding on this outside energy. Also a quote from Mr Sweets Paper "Nothing Is Something" is

"A motionally induced E-field is actually created within the space occupied by the moving magnetic flux described above."

Note: It is said "created within the space occupied by the moving magnetic flux " so it is not the magnetic moving flux that creates this "Motional E-Field", and also

"It seems that the charged particles in the atom (electrons and protons) act like tiny magnets. Their motion in the space surrounding the atom would create this motional E-field''. The field created by both the positive and negative charges would cancel to some degree, but due to the high orbital velocity of the negative electron relative to that of the positive proton the induced field of the electron should dominate the resulting field. The field produced as a result of these charges would vary proportionally to the inverse square of distance similar to gravity."

The Negative Electricity produced by the SQM makes perfect sense now. The magnitude of the charge on an electron is equal to the charge on a proton but if the amount of Electrons are greater than the number of Protons a negative charge would dominate. Another important piece of information is Mr Searl said and has said for many years that he uses Neodymium magnets because of the high Electron count in the Atoms. Neodymium is part of the Lanthanide series, Rare Earth element Family. This Family has more Electrons generally per particle. Barium Ferrite does also have a high number of Electrons generally but it is not part of this Family. This could mean other materials may be better than Barium Ferrite but Barium Ferrite is a good start at least.

When comparing the way the SQM Works and Mr Tom Beardens source charge problem there are remarkable similarities and this in fact opens the door to new electrical challenges and new technologies never before possible:

June 2000:

The source charge problem—“the most difficult problem in classical and quantum electrodynamics”*—solved by Tom Bearden.


This information says to me that the SQM is a perfect "Zero Point Energy " Collection Device and is well worth the effort in the replication.

Well more coming soon as always.